Elstgeest Young Plants

Elstgeest Young Plants is located in Rijssenhout (NL). In this innovative propogation company, Daan Elstgeest and Debbie Elstgeest produce young tropical houseplants together with their team. It is a real family business. Since 2007, the third generation Elstgeest is in charge and they focus entirely on the production of starting material. A wide, rooted assortment leaves the company to grow into the finest houseplants at growers around the world. At Elstgeest they lay the foundation for this. Therefore, the cultivation process is controlled to the smallest detail. Growcoon plays an important role in this.

100% biodegradable
Natural microclimate
Unique fit
Choose your own substrate
Daan Elstgeest
Co-owner Elstgeest Young Plants

‘We grow a lot of different species and varieties. Everything mixed together. So every time it’s a puzzle what we grow where and in which tray. Every crop has its own specifications. We have searched for a long time for a system that fits in with this and worked hard on our cultivation performance. The results are very good now. We do everything we can to provide our customers with the best products!’


Why Growcoon?

'In fact, we make roots. So we do everything we can to make plant roots as comfortable as possible. The Growcoon contributes greatly to that. For example, we decide which substrate to fill it with. So it can be perfectly tailored to the needs of the crop. We prefer to fill the Growcoon loose, so that the roots have all the space they need to develop. Basically, the Growcoon provides protection and makes the roots adhere less to the wall of the tray. This results in a stable root ball and makes the plug easy to handle, causing little to no damage during transplanting. So it also benefits our customers.’


Perfect fit in tray

‘The tray/ plug combination is crucial for us. The Growcoon determines the size of the plug and it has to perfectly match our trays. That was quite a quest. But now we are now perfectly on track. Both 40 and 50 hole trays, but the size of the tray holes is the same everywhere. As a result, we are flexible in the tray we use, but can always deliver the same plug size. This is convenient for our buyers as they do not need to constantly reset their potting machine. Growcoon also provides an air buffer between the tray wall and the plug, which ensures better aeration of the roots. This creates a perfect microclimate. In short, the combination of tray, tray holeand the Growcoon forms the formula for success that makes the plant roots very happy.’

Daan Elstgeest
Co-owner Elstgeest Young Plants

'If we add something to our product, it raises questions from our buyers. But the Growcoon has proven its added value. Actually, they don’t have to think about the product. It is simply good!'



‘Act with respect for people and the environment, reliably and with integrity. It is part of our mission. We want to deliver a product that the customer doesn’t have to worry about. That relates to the Growcoon as well. A customer should not be bothered by it. Because it biodegrades, we can guarantee that no harmful residue remains in the pot. We have to! If a product is not sustainable, I put my customer in trouble. Sustainability works through the entire chain. Every step we take is one.’

‘Actually, we want the Growcoon to be largely intact when we deliver our products. So that our buyers can also benefit from the protection offered by the Growcoon. However, we don’t want the end user to see anything from the Growcoon. That is why it is so important that we select the right Growcoon for our cultivation. Now, we grow tropical plants in a warm and humid climate. In other words, ideal conditions for biodegradation. Therefore, we use a type of Growcoon that is relatively resistant and does not break down too quickly. And that benefits both the plant roots and the grower.’

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